Sunday, November 17, 2013

Staying Healthy - Fruits and Vegetables

What are the ways we can keep our bodies healthy? asked Morah.
Reuven said that we need to eat healthy food.
Boris said, that we should not eat junk food.
Bina said, that we need to eat fruits and vegetables.
Morah took a basket with different fruits and vegetables. Friends noticed that all of them different colors. Morah told friends that different color of fruits and vegetable tells people what body parts are they good for. For example, green ones good for teeth, bones and eyes, yellow ones are good for heart, eyes, and lungs, purple one are good for our brain and heart, and red ones are good for our heart, brain and lungs.
It happened, that November is Health month in our school.  On Wednesday, friends visited Juice Bar kindly prepared by parents of our school.  
Friends took a "Spy scientists walk" to see what color fruits and vegetables are offered for juices and what are they good. Red strawberries and apples, green spinach and celery, yellow mango and pineapple, purple beets. What should we start with?    

Believe it or not, moms prepared for us smoothies made of SPINACH.
Spinach? No way! Yes, way!
Everyone was open minded and tried this very pleasant spinach smoothie and other juices, too. We loved Juice Bar so much. Friends did not want to leave and were asking for more different juices- banana and strawberries, orange and apples, carrots and apples.  
Friends learned that even if you don't like juices you should eat fresh fruits like our Michelle.
Smart choice, Michelle:)

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