Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Parshas Toldos

For more information on the parsha click link below: http://www.torahtots.com/parsha/breishis/toldos2.htm
For a Parsha song clicl link below: http://www.chabad.org/parshah/article_cdo/aid/573567/jewish/Parshah-Song.htm
Rivka gave birth to twin baby boys. Yaacov and Aisav.
Yitzchok with his two sons all grown up, Yaacov and Aisav.
We really wanted to taste the lentil soup Yaacov made for his father Yitzchok. What do you think we did? With joint effort from the friends in class, we peeled and chopped vegetables, poured in oil, water, and tomato sauce, threw in some spices, and made
our very own lentil soup. :)
Chopping the veggies
Putting in the main ingredient of the soup- RED LENTILS
 The finished product.
Most of the children were super excited to try something new.
They were open minded and brave to try our delicious soup. :)
Since the friends loved it so much here is a chance for you to try it at home with your child.
(Pareve) Red Lentil Soup Recipe:
6 carrots diced
6 celery stalks diced
2 zucchini diced 
1 onion diced
2 cups red lentils (must be rinsed well)
1 can tomato sauce
4 tablespoons oil
full pot of water
2 tablespoons salt
1 tablespoon black pepper
2 tablespoons onion soup mix
(This will make a full pot of soup)

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