Sunday, November 17, 2013

Staying Healthy- Dental Hygiene

On Friday, Pre-K friends were visited by a DENTIST. Who is a dentist?
Dentist is a doctor who checks and treats our teeth. Dentist knows how healthy teeth should look like and how to keep them healthy. The dentist was no one else but Elaina's dad.
He taught friends about Dental Hygiene.
Eliana's father told friends that each of them have 20 teeth.
They need to take care of them twice a day. Morning and night brushing teeth gently with soft toothbrush for 3minutes. How long are 3 minutes? As long as ABC song. While brushing friends need to move a tooth brush in round motions.
Friends practiced brushing teeth with a teeth model and a huge tooth brush.

Eliana's dad said that often food gets stuck between our teeth.
That is why it is important to floss. Friends practiced flossing as well using a piece of Lego, playdaugh and a piece of yarn.

For learning so much and behaving like "college" kids, everyone got a special reward-

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