Monday, November 25, 2013

Chanuka Story

The Jewish people lived in Eretz Yisroel where the Beis Hamikdosh (Temple) stood.
The Beis Hamikdosh was a place to serve and daven to Hashem. It was a place to bring presents to Hashem and people. It was a place to show thanks to Hashem. It was a place where music was played and and songs were sung. It was a place where the Kohen Gadol (High Preist) would light the golden menorah. The Beis Hamikdosh was peaceful place to be and holy place to work. This is what the Jewish people did there and were proud of being a part of it.

One day, a Greek king named Antiochus decreed on all the Jewish people they are forbidden to keep Shabbos, eat kosher, and give their baby boys a bros mila. He said if he would find anyone doing it, they would get into big trouble. He then marched with his soldiers straight to the Beis Hamikdosh, broke things inside, and put a pig on the mizbayach (alter).
The Jewish people were sad. Rabbi Matisyahu and his 5 brave sons chose to follow what Hashem wanted and keep the Torah and mitzvos even though it wouldnt be safe. They chose to make the right choices although they were told not to. They formed a group called the Macabees which stands for "Mi LaHashem Ailai- Whoever is with Hashem come with me"

All the brave Jews followed Rabbi Matisyahu and his sons. They went to learn in hidden caves where they wouldnt be seen. If it happened to be that the Greeks would find them, they would quickly put their Torah scrolls away and pull out dreidels. When the Greeks saw them playing with driedels and not learning they went away.
We can be a Macabee just like Matisyahu, his sons, and all the Jewish people back then.
There are no Greeks today telling us nott to listen to Hashem but when we are faced with choices to make we can be a macabee by choosing the right thing.
What is the process of being a Macabee? When faced with a choice to make, 1. We slow down and stop. 2. We think what are choices are. 3. If we know whatthe right choice is, we go with that and do it!
It is possible to be a Macabee!! We can do it!! :)

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