Sunday, October 6, 2013

Rosh Chodesh (Beginning of New Month)

The Hebrew calendar goes according to the lunar cycle. This past Friday and Shabbos was Rosh Chodesh, the beginning of the Jewish month called Cheshvan. It is new because the moon is new, it is waxing, it is starting to get get bigger until the middle of the month where it will be a full moon and from there the moon will start to wane which will bring the month to an end.
Every month we will have a rally with Morah Chani and the whole preschool celebrating the new month. 
Here we are at the Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan rally.
Joshua and Boris are bringing Morah Chani some yom tov items to put in her suitcase to put away for next year. :)
Later for lunch we had pizza as a special treat! Yum!

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