Monday, October 28, 2013

Shabbos Box

Avigail was Shabbos Ima and Joshua was the Shabbos Abba.

This week we started sending out the Shabbos Box. Our first freind to take it home was Ben.

Letter Hay

This week, Reuven our Mail Man Reuven brought us the letter Hay. Hay has one big line on top, one big line coming down, and one little line on the other side which we call the “Little Hopping Foot”. It gives us a clue to remember the form of letter Hay.
Hmm. Which words begin with the letter Hay? Well, IT is something that is everywhere at all times even when we close our eyes. IT can see us although we cannot see IT. IT sees what we do and the choices we make. IT gave us our neshamos, our bodies, our friends, and our families.  IT takes care of us.  What or who can IT be? Im sure you’ve guessed it by now. Yes, IT is HASHEM. J Hashem begins Hay. There is no picture of Hashem because He is invisible.
Havdala begins with Letter Hay.
This is a ceremony which concludes Shabbos by using these items and making a bracha on them.

Parshas Chayei Sara

In this Parsha, Avraham finds out that his dear wife Sara passed away.
Sara had three miracles happening in her tent while she was alive and happened once again when her son Yitzchok married Rivka and she moved into the tent. 
-A spark of Hashem in a cloud rested over the tent.
-The candles stayed lit from one Friday till the next Friday.
-The challa they made stayed fresh all week long.

For more info on the Parsha click link below:

For a nice song on the Parsha click link below:

Sunday, October 27, 2013

This week we learned

The letter of the week was letter T. Friends were happy to see pictures of familiar faces- Morah Tammy, Tammy and Boris's mom Tamila, pictures of people whose names start with letter T. More of it, our dear friend Tammy drew a picture of Train for the letter of the week.
To make a letter one needs a big line and a little line on the top.
Thank you to Boris and Ben for bringing things that start with letter T- truck, tissues, tree, train, tea cup, tooth brush, turtle. Friends used these things to make a story "Tea Party with Friends". 
Friends celebrated letter T by having Tea Party with Triangle Toasts:) It was Tealicious:)

Number 3 was the number of the week. On the number line it is between number 2 and number 4. Friends know that 2 is one less than 3, 4 is one more than 3.
We know what is 3.
We know how to write number 3. Little curve, little curve.

What Siblings do?

 Pre-K friends had guests in our class. Our friends siblings stop by: Reuven's sister Rina,  Tammy's sister Michelle, Ben's sister Emma, and Rebecca's sister Rachelle.
Friends learned that some siblings are older, some younger. Depends on age, siblings have different responsibilities and schedule. For example, youngest siblings go to sleep earlier than older ones because they need more sleep in order to grow faster.  Morah asked friends what siblings do. That is what they said,

Siblings share toys. ( Bina and Eliana)
Siblings share food. ( Ben)
Siblings share home.( Alec)
Siblings share mom and dad. ( Morah Inna)

Siblings help do homework. (Alec, Tammy and Eliana)
Siblings help put small pieces of Lego together. (Boris)

Siblings help build a station for trains, not for cars. (Ben)
Siblings help play with keyboard. (Reuven)
Siblings help put PJs on. (Bina)

 Friends discussed that some times siblings might disagree with each other but they are the best friends who will be taking care of each other all the time. Morah asked friends what is the best thing siblings like to do together. This is what friends said,

The best thing to do with my brothers and sister is to play games on the" Alef Beis" board game.( Reuven) 
The best thing I like to do with my sibling Rachel is play with her in the park. (Rebecca)
I like to go to the park with my sister Sara. (Michelle)
The best thing to do with my siblings is to play with cars and make paper planes. (Boris)
The best thing I like to do with sister Alex is to play in the park or play school at home. (Joshua)
I like to go on the swings with my sisters. (Eliana)
The best thing I like to do with my siblings is make Arts and Crafts with gems. It's also beautiful. (Avigail)
The best thing to do with my sister Emma is to play with swings and play with our cousin Elan. (Ben)
The best thing I love to do with my sibling is go to the park and play on the swings with them. (Bina)
The best thing to do with my brother Nate is to play soccer. (Alec)

Thank you, dear parents, for sending pictures:) Thank you!

All About Me- My Siblings

This week Pre-K friends learned who siblings are. Siblings are brothers and sisters.  This is what our friends said about their sibling:
"Emma is 4 years old. She likes to push me on the swings. She loves to eat soup like me. We like to play with dinosaurs together. We never fight."  Ben
" Nate is 6 years old. He likes to eat soup. I love to play soccer with Nate"  Alec
" Eli is 5 years old. He likes to play with me. He helps me clean up my room.  Michelle is only 2 years old. My dad doesn't let her to put  her fingers in her mouth." Tammy
" Naomi is as tall as my grandfather. She likes to hug me. Naomi likes cookies and ice cream. Yonni is 2 years old. He likes to hug me and never let me go." Abigail
" Dorry is 2 years old. She likes to play with Sima. Sima is 6 months old. She likes to crawl. She likes to chew things and swing. " Eliana

" Ariella buys me ice cream. She is 10 and 1 more finger old. Ariella wants to buy me a little kippa." David
" Emy is 7 years old. He likes me. When Emy breaks my things I don't get upset because he fixes them. I love to bake with Emy. We take turns." Bina
"Alex is already 10 year old. She likes to eat pasta and tacos. Alex likes to go to the park with me. She loves my pool. I share it with her. " Joshua
Yoel is 10 years old. He likes to play with his Ipad and games o his keyboard. Michoel Yosef may be 5 years old. He likes to play on a phone and make music on his piano. He had an Ipad but it is old. Rina is 2 years old. She likes to play with my toys." Reuven
" Ella is 24 years old. She likes to do homework. She loves to eat cereal. Her favorite color is orange. Nicole is 24 or 25 years old. Nicole likes to help me with homework. Her favorite food is cake. I like cake too. Nicole will buy me cars." Boris

Monday, October 21, 2013

Letter Daled

Rebecca was our Mail Carrier who brought us the Letter Daled. The form of Daled has one big line on top and one big line coming down. Oh, make sure to leave some space on top before bringing the big line down.

Delet- door begins with Daled
Dag- fish begins with Daled.
Michelle forming letter Daled with magnetic lines on the board

Parshas Vayera

Avraham lived in a tent in the desert with his wife Sara. He enjoyed to have guest and feed them. He made 4 doors on his tent, one on each side for travelers to come in from whichever direction they were coming from.
One day, he had 3 guest which turned out to be angels. After Avraham fed them, one of them told Avraham that he and his Wife Sara will have a beautiful baby boy in one year (whom they named Yitzchok).
They were so happy.

For more info on the Parsha click link below:

For a nice song on the Parsha click link below:

Parshas Lech Licha

Hashem told Avraham to travel. He did so together with his wife Sara. Whatever land they traveled on during that time became Eretz Yisroel, Israel, the land of the Jews.
Hashem also told Avraham he will have many children as many as the stars in the sky and the sand on the earth. Can they be counted? No. So too, there will be so many Jewish people born from Avraham they wont be able to be counted.

For more info on the Parsha click link below:

For a nice song on the Parsha click link below:

Letter Gimmel

Boris was our Mail Man who brought us letter Gimmel. The form of Gimmel has one little line on top, one big line coming down, and one little slanted line coming down.

Boris the Mail Man
Giraffa begins with Gimmel.
Glidah - ice cream begins with Gimmel.
For our Shabbos Party treat, we each got glidah on a cone. We also got one to share with our sibling.
Making Gimmel with our body

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Pre-K Curriculum Night!

Not only Morahs were getting ready for Pre-K Curriculum Night.
Friends were getting ready too. They made special Welcome Cookies for our guests-
Thank you, Dear Parents, for finding time and coming to our Curriculum Night!
Thank you for ACTIVE participation in learning about the importance of the play.
The next morning, friends were wowed by construction you built.
And surprised by the COOKIES you decorated for them.

All About Me- My Friends

Friends care
Friends share
We need friends
As you guessed, this week friends learned about friendship.
What are FRIENDS?
Friends play with each other peacefully. ( Joshua)
Friends are kind to each other, not hitting each other. ( Reuven)
Friends teach each other. ( Bina)
Friends are nice to each other. ( Boris)
Friends hug. ( David)
Friends use gentle hands. ( Tammy)
Friends share. ( Eliana)
Friends ask for a turn. ( Michelle)
Friends help you when you get hurt. ( Abigail)
Friends help each other. (Rebecca)
Look at these highlighted words: peaceful, kind, teach, nice, hug, gentle, share, ask, help. That is what make us into peaceful friends.
Sometimes friends disagree.
What do we do then?
Like characters of book " Rose and Riley"  we say,
Friends listen to each others ideas and make a choice of whose idea to follow.
Being good friends, Joshua and David decided to use David's idea.
Great negotiation friends!

This week we learned

The letter of the week was the letter H. To make a letter one needs two big lines and one little line.
The letter H says /h/. Thank you, friends, who brought to school things that start with the letter of the week . For example,

Ben broughta Hat, a Hammer and Horse".
Eliana brought a Horn.
Friends practiced writing Honey letter H.
To review the letter H sound please visit
To preview next week letter T sound please visit

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Excitements of the week

An excitement or not but Morah was excited to see a team work:) 
Making a chocolate cake was an excitement for everyone. 
Sharing personal stories was an excitement for Boris and Joshua.  
The biggest excitement was to have MUSIC class. 

Mazel Tov!

Apples, peaches, pears and plums, 
Tell us when your birthday comes! 
This week, Pre-K friends celebrated very first Happy Birthday!!! 
Mazel Tov to our dear friends Michelle who turned 4 years old! Friends wished Michelle to be healthy and strong, to have lots of friends and learn Torah. 
Thank you to Michelle's mom, grandma and little sister Sarah who joined our Birthday celebration and gave presents to our class and to friends in honor of Michelle's Birthday. 
May you continue to have naches from Michelle and Sarah. 

All About Me- My Family

Some families are large. 
Some families are small. 
I love my family most of all. 

In the class, friends discussed what makes us the same. We have families. What is a family? 
Abigail said, that people who live together are a family. 
Bina said, that a family are people who grow up together and marry each other.
Boris said that a family is him sleeping with his mom. 
Michelle and Joshua said, that a family is mom, dad, grandma and grandpa. 
  Eliana said, that a family is  love and hug. 
Reuven and Ben said, that a family are sisters and brothers. 

Friends are absolutely right. A family are people who love each other and care for each other. Family encourage each other with "love and hug". One day, Yonnie, Abigail's brother, felt very sad. Abigail cheered him with a hug and a kiss. 
Friends learned that family made up of parents and children. Morah asked friends " What are parents for?" There what friends said, 
Parents are for watching kids so they don't get lost. ( Abigail) 
                    ...watching kids so they don't get hurt. ( Bina) 
                    ...holding kids hands if they get boo-boo. ( Eliana)
                   ... telling " hold my hand" when we going home from the park. (Joshua)
                  ... watching babies so they won't run into street. (Reuven) 
                   ...watching me so I would not get blood. ( Boris) 
                   ...making sure babies would not run away. ( Tammy) 
         me medicine when I get sick. ( Michelle) 
        hug a toy sheep. ( Rebecca)
        cook food. (Ben)
                ... to keep us clean. ( David) 
Parents do take care of children and do a lot of fun things with them. 

Favorite thing to do with my family is going to the park. ( Alec) 
 Favorite thing to do with my family is to make a cake with a flower on it. ( Abiagail) 
... to go to the park and the Zoo. ( Boris) 
...  to buy toys. ( David ) 
... to play with my boat. ( Joshua) cook soup with vegetables. ( Eliana) play a Alef Beis game. ( Reuven) go to the pizza shop and eat pizza. ( Michelle) make salad. ( Bina) go to the park and play on the park and swing. (Ben) go to Canada. I saw the water. Everything was beautiful there. ( Tammy) 

This week we learned

The letter of this past week was letter E.  "E" says /e/. Friends were excited to learn that our friend Elina's, Bina's brother's, Boris's dad's and sister's, Tamm'sy brother's and Michelle's grandma's names start with letter E.
To make letter E, one needs one big line and three little lines.
Friends practiced to make letter E with lines, play dough, they practice to write it and to recognize the sound. 
To preview next week letter H please visit

The number of the week was the number 2. 
On the Number Line, friends found number 2 between the numbers 1 and number 3.
Friends learned that 2 is one more than 1, and one less than 3. 

We know what is two!
 Friends used their imagination to think what two black dots can make- 
eyes on a face or two wheels on a bicycle...