Tuesday, December 17, 2013

New Unit- Our Community- Our School

Pre-K Friends started new exciting unit " Our community".  The purpose of the unit is to teach children what is a community and how a peaceful community function meeting needs of people who live there. We will take trips around Brighton Beach Community and farther, we will visit different places and meet community helpers.
Our unit is started with a story about Jewish people who live in one place- Jewish Community. All Jewish moms and dads want the best for their children. Our moms and dads wanted a good school. And there was one young women who dreamt about having a school. There is how the Mazel Day School got to its existence.
Mazel Day School is a small community. There are many people work and learn in our school.
What makes Mazel Day School a peaceful community? Every one is kind to each other, every one cares for each other, every one has responsibilities.
Who does meet us at the door? He is our security guard Yan!
Yan told friends that he is responsible for
our safety. He makes sure no stranger wander in our school.
Yan also make sure that everyone follows safety rules. Thank you, Yan, for keeping us safe.

Katya is our school secretary. She answers all phone calls, makes tons of copies, laminates pictures.
She calls parents if their kid gets sick. Katya has a big phone. 7 people can call at the same time.   
Who does fix broken things for us? Who does make sure that we have healthy snacks,
supplied with paper towels, plates, spoons and forks? Mr. Gena.

Another important helper is Isabelle.
Her responsibility is to keep our school clean. She is the one who comes early in the morning and goes home late, she is the one who comes to our classroom to clean it. She is the one who makes sure
lunch is served warm and yummy. Thank you, Isabelle for your hard job!
Mrs. Inna is the one who takes care of all school orders: markers, paper, uniforms and even buses when we need to go on the trip. She knows everyone and everything.
Another favorite helper is Morah Bella whose challah we eat every Shabbos.
 Morah Bella, your challah is the best!
And finally, the young women who dreamt about the school is our principle Morah Chanie.
As she said,  she is a Morahs Morah.   Morah Chanie makes sure that morahs have everything for teaching- books, toys and other things.
Morah Chanie makes sure that everyone knows their responsibilities. Morah Chanie knows every family who comes to our school. 

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