Monday, May 19, 2014

Our World- Land and Plants

On Monday, Pre-K friends went on the trip to the Botanical Gardens. It was perfect place and time to learn about the third day of the creation of the world. 
On the third day of creation of the world, Hashem pushed up land and grew plants. 
We call a big land- a continent. There are seven continents in the world- 
South America, North America, 
Europe and Asia, 
Africa, Antarctica and Australia . 
What is land for?  

 Friends, said, that we use land for walking, sitting, jumping, riding our bicycles on, building houses, and even for laying down and rest. That is what friends did in the Botanical Gardens:)

Land is good not only for people. Land is good for plants, too. 
Plants grow on land. In the Botanical Gardens we saw many different plants- 
trees, flowers,grass and even some water plants.  
Flowers captured our full attention. We found some big flowers- peonies.  

We found some small flowers- dandelions. 
We found even some plants that grow in the water- ALGAE but they are not healthy for water. They pollute (make dirty) water. We saw a gardener who cleaned the pond from algae. 
But where plants come from?  

Joshua found an aged dandelion. It was not yellow, it was white.  
When Joshua blew on the flower, the little white petals raised into the air and 
flew caring little seeds on them like little parachutes.  SEEDS! That is where plants come from!  

Friends decided to make their own garden in the school backyard. 
But what do we need to make a garden. Seeds! 
We got the seeds of sweat pea, radishes, carrots, basil, onion and even flowers from the store.
What do seeds need? 

SOIL! We planted seeds in the soil. 
What do seeds need else? 

WATER! We watered our seeds with some water. 
Some sunshine and air and soon we will see a miracle of plant growth- little sprouts. 

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