Monday, May 12, 2014

Israel Week

Israel Independance Day, May 14th, 1948:
Israel won thier borders back on this day (besides for Yerushalayim which they won back 20 years later in the 6 Day War)
It was a great celebration.
We celebrated in school with good food, song, and dance.
We prepared falafel, the famous Israeli food, and Israeli salad.
The Jewish people in Israel began eating falafel when they lived close to the Arab nations. Falafel is a big treat in those countries.

The Origin of the Israeli Flag:
A man in Israel designed the flag to be white with seven golden stars. The people didnt agree with that look. The man then designed the flag white with one big Star of Dovid with 6 stars on each point and one big star on the top point. Again, the people didnt agree with this design.
This man then came up with a brilliant idea saying that we are Jeiwsh and have a Tallis. The flag should have a similar deisgn to the tallis. And so it came to be that the white flag was designed with two blue stripes and one big Star of Dovid in the middle.
Coincidently enough, three different people in New York and Switzerland came up with this same exact deisn on their own as well.
This flag design was meant to be. :)
Israel's Map
We drew the map of Israel and marked various landmarks of the Land.
-Mediteranean Sea that allows for goods to be imported and exported to and from the Land through the port of Haifa.
-Tzfas which is up North
- Yerushalayim where the Kosel is.
-Tel Aviv the city which hosts the only International Airport in Israel.
-The Negev- the South- Vacation Spot with sand and water.
"Flying To Israel"
Here we are placing oursleves comfortably into seats on an El Al airplane flying to Tel Aviv, Israel. Yipee!
We got a pilot and a co pilot, stewards and stewardesses, passengers, as well as our luggage stowed on the bottom of the plane.

Magnetic stuffed bear with Israeli Flag and magnets with different places of Israel designed on it.
Thank you Boris for bringing all that in and showing them to our friends.

The Hamsa Hand and mud from the Dead Sea.
Thank you Ben for bringing these items in and showing them to our friends.
Show'NTell Items from Israel

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