This Parsha talks how Hashem protected the Jewish people in the desert with clouds covering them from all sides. Pssst. The clouds even were their very own personal GPS. It showed them where to go by day and at night. How cool?
For more info on the Parsha click here:
For a song on the Parsha click here:
Thursday, May 29, 2014
Parshas Bechukosai
Hashem enjoys giving all good things to His people down here on earth. He does love giving us the things we need especially when we do the right things and make right choices.
For a song on the Parsha click here:
For a song on the Parsha click here:
Letter Shin
The Hebrew Letter Shin has one big line on the bottom, three big lines coming down, and one dot on its RIGHT side.
It looks like a Shabbos table with three candles and fire lit on the one on the RIGHT "candle".
David's Hebrew name Shlomo begins with the Hebrew Letter Shin. :)
Shabbos begins with the Letter Shin.
Shulchan- Table begins with the Letter Shin.
Shabbat Shalom!!!
Letter Reish
Rebecca our Mail Carrier brought us the Letter Reish. It has one big line on top and one big line coming down.
Rebecca's Hebrew name Rivkah and Reuven begin with the Hebrew Letter Reish
Writing Letter Reish
Driving a Rakevet Train in paint in our Alef Beis Workbook to write the Letter Reish
Here we are riding in a rakeves train in the shape of a letter.
Can you guess which letter it is? Im sure you got it right. It is Letter Reish.
Rakevet- Train begins with the Hebrew Letter Reish
Lag Ba'Omer and its Customs
Lag Ba'Omer is a holiday celebrated on the 18th day of Iyar.
Many years ago, there was a little boy named Akiva. He had a hard time learning and remembering information which was taught to him. Instead of sending him to school, his parents decided it would rather be best for him to work. He stayed home and cared for sheep.
When Akiva grew up he got married to a smart girl named Rochel. Rochel advised Akiva to go to school and learn Torah. Akiva was hesitant since he knew all his life that he couldn't learn. Rochel encouraged him and off he went to learn in yeshiva.
He began learning the basics of Torah and Alef Beis together with the young children and as soon as he mastered that he moved up into a higher grade until he finished all grades.
He was determined to learn everything he felt he needed to know. He never gave up while trying to succeed at something he knew was important.
Akiva learned and knew a lot of Torah that one day he was given the title as Rabbi. People would come to learn from him and soon he had 24,000 students.
One of Rabbi Akiva's students named Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai was a great Rabbi, as well. When he got old and it was time for his neshama to go back to Hashem, he asked his own students to please not be sad and rather they should use that day as a day of happiness and unity among all people. He passed away on Lag Ba'Omer.
And so on Lag Ba'Omer we make a parade showing we march in unity, we create a big bonfire and sing and dance around it in unity. (We light a candle every year on the anniversary date of a beloved person's passing. On Lag Ba'Omer we light a big fire because Rabbis Shimon was a great Rabbi)
Hashem gave people hearts in our bodies. If we have a heart, it means that we have feelings. If we have feeling, it means we care about others. Since Lag Ba'Omer just passed, and we now know how important it is to be kind and caring to our friends and all people we know, we are working hard on using kind hands and words towards each other.
Here you can see our hands stamped inside this big heart to show we use our hands in a caring way.
We can do it!!!!<3
Here you can see different ways we are being kind, helpful, and caring towards each other.
-Bina and Reuven and reading a book peacefully in the library.
-David is happily giving Avigail a ride to her destination on his bike.
-Alec and Michelle are using their extra strength muscles to push the table out of the way. What wonderful team work!!
The friends baked heart shaped cookies to give out and share with all our Pre-school friends at our Lag BaOmer Parade.
Reuven wearing his heart shaped banner for the parade with the picture he made of how he can be kind to others.
We are marching in our Unity Parade for Lag BaOmer. All Pre K Friends were responsible to gently hold one younger friends hand from the younger classes showing care for them.
Monday, May 19, 2014
Our World- Land and Plants
On Monday, Pre-K friends went on the trip to the Botanical Gardens. It was perfect place and time to learn about the third day of the creation of the world.
On the third day of creation of the world, Hashem pushed up land and grew plants.
We call a big land- a continent. There are seven continents in the world-
South America, North America,
Europe and Asia,
Africa, Antarctica and Australia .
What is land for?
Friends, said, that we use land for walking, sitting, jumping, riding our bicycles on, building houses, and even for laying down and rest. That is what friends did in the Botanical Gardens:)
Land is good not only for people. Land is good for plants, too.
Plants grow on land. In the Botanical Gardens we saw many different plants-
trees, flowers,grass and even some water plants.
Flowers captured our full attention. We found some big flowers- peonies.
We found some small flowers- dandelions.
We found even some plants that grow in the water- ALGAE but they are not healthy for water. They pollute (make dirty) water. We saw a gardener who cleaned the pond from algae.
But where plants come from?
Joshua found an aged dandelion. It was not yellow, it was white.
When Joshua blew on the flower, the little white petals raised into the air and
flew caring little seeds on them like little parachutes. SEEDS! That is where plants come from!
Friends decided to make their own garden in the school backyard.
But what do we need to make a garden. Seeds!
We got the seeds of sweat pea, radishes, carrots, basil, onion and even flowers from the store.
What do seeds need?
SOIL! We planted seeds in the soil.
What do seeds need else?
WATER! We watered our seeds with some water.
Some sunshine and air and soon we will see a miracle of plant growth- little sprouts.
Happy Birthday to our friends, David and Tammy!
Mazel Tov to our dear friends, David and Tammy!
Friends and morahs wish our friends to be healthy, strong, kind, and do a lot of mitzvahs
Mazel Tov to David'd and Tammy's parents! May you have only naches from your children.
Monday, May 12, 2014
Letter Koof
This week we got Letter Koof from our dear mail man David
Koof has one little line on top, one little line coming down, and one big line coming down.
It looks like Letter Hay with a BIG foot. :) It also looks like a jumpinh kangaroo.
Kiddush begins with Letter Koof.
Kiddush is the blessing we make over wine or grape juice to sanctify Shabbos.
Kangaroo begins with Letter Koof. Kangaroo is also used in Hebrew for this animal. :)
Coffee begins with Letter Koof.
Writing Letter Koof with Coffee. :)
Parshas Behar
We learned about the Jewish farmers in Israel who work for 6 years and on the Seventh year they take a break.
Why? This reminds us and everyone around us that we need to do our part and work yet at the end of the day it is Hashem who runs the show. It is Hashem who provides for us. It is Hashem who makes things grow. It is Hashem we need to rely on.
The farmers also need to allow all their fruits and vegetables to be given away for free. Any person can come and fill up their baskets and bags with whatever vegetation they need.
For more information on the Parsha click here:
For a song on the Parsha click here:
Joshua did a great job coloring his Parsha sheet; neatly and used great colors.
Israel Week
Israel Independance Day, May 14th, 1948:
Israel won thier borders back on this day (besides for Yerushalayim which they won back 20 years later in the 6 Day War)
It was a great celebration.
We celebrated in school with good food, song, and dance.
We prepared falafel, the famous Israeli food, and Israeli salad.
The Jewish people in Israel began eating falafel when they lived close to the Arab nations. Falafel is a big treat in those countries.
The Origin of the Israeli Flag:
A man in Israel designed the flag to be white with seven golden stars. The people didnt agree with that look. The man then designed the flag white with one big Star of Dovid with 6 stars on each point and one big star on the top point. Again, the people didnt agree with this design.
This man then came up with a brilliant idea saying that we are Jeiwsh and have a Tallis. The flag should have a similar deisgn to the tallis. And so it came to be that the white flag was designed with two blue stripes and one big Star of Dovid in the middle.
Coincidently enough, three different people in New York and Switzerland came up with this same exact deisn on their own as well.
This flag design was meant to be. :)
Israel's Map
We drew the map of Israel and marked various landmarks of the Land.
-Mediteranean Sea that allows for goods to be imported and exported to and from the Land through the port of Haifa.
-Tzfas which is up North
- Yerushalayim where the Kosel is.
-Tel Aviv the city which hosts the only International Airport in Israel.
-The Negev- the South- Vacation Spot with sand and water.
"Flying To Israel"
Here we are placing oursleves comfortably into seats on an El Al airplane flying to Tel Aviv, Israel. Yipee!
We got a pilot and a co pilot, stewards and stewardesses, passengers, as well as our luggage stowed on the bottom of the plane.
Magnetic stuffed bear with Israeli Flag and magnets with different places of Israel designed on it.
Thank you Boris for bringing all that in and showing them to our friends.
The Hamsa Hand and mud from the Dead Sea.
Thank you Ben for bringing these items in and showing them to our friends.
Show'NTell Items from Israel
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