Sunday, March 2, 2014

Purim Story part 1

The fun filled day of Purim which took place about 2400 years ago when the Jewish people struggled and finally triumphed, is celebrated until today. But why do we still celebrate a situation which happened oh so very long ago? The story of Purim shows the many hidden miracles that occurred then and how Hashem was on our side and did not forsake us yet again.
Many years ago in the Country of Persia, in the capital Shushan, there lived a King named Achasverosh. He was a kind hearted king but his gullible and naive nature always took the better of him and listened to his Queen and advisors who didnt have good intentions.
In the 3rd year of Achashverosh becoming king he threw himself a party celebrating his kingship. He also wanted to show the great amount of wealth he had so he invited everyone from rich to poor to come to enjoy themselves at the party while basking in the riches of the king and eating the most delicious foods.
The party lasted for 180 days.

There was a smart Rabbi who cared about the Jewish people. He told them that although there would be kosher food at the party they should not go since the riches and wealth the king wanted to show off was taken from the Beis Hamikdosh. It will be disrespectful to Hashem if the Jewish people will be found at such a party.
The idea of going to the party sounded really exciting and was an event that people didnt want to miss, however, many Jew stayed strong and didnt go to the party out of respect to Hashem. However, the temptations of joining the party was hard to resist, and many Jews went.

One day, the king called for his wife Queen Vashti to come to the party so he can show everyone his beautiful wife. When the guards came to her palace, she was busy hosting a party for her servants. She went to the mirror to adjust her clothing and make sure she looked presentable before going to the kings party and showing herself there.

When she got to the mirror she needed to get a double take. To her horror  and disbelief she saw her face was covered in acne and pimples and out of her back grew a tail. A tail? yes.
Hashem had given her a consequence for making her Jewish servants work on Shabbos although she specifically knew it was their day of rest. They pleaded with her to let them off since it was Shabbos and she refused.
When she saw the sorry state that she was in, she told the guards she will not come to the king's party!

Haman was the king's chief adviser. Unfortunatley for the king, Haman didnt have good intentions when giving his advice and as we read earlier the king thoughtlessly listened to all that Haman suggested. 
When the king heard that his Queen wouldnt come to the party, Haman quickly adviced that the queen be gotten rid of for disobeying the kings wishes.
Achashverosh wasnt thinking properly and agreed with Haman's words. 
And so it was, the queen was taken away and the king was left without a wife.
The next morning, the king woke up and remembered what had happened to his dear wife Vashti. He feltvery sad to be alone. He asked for all the girls in his entire kingdom be brought to him so he can scan them and decide if he wishes them to be his new queen. All the girls dressed up and came to the palace for a screening but none appealed to Achashverosh.

Achashverosh almost despaired when a girl was brought into the palace against her wishes that she kept to herself. She wasnt dressed up in her finest nor did she sparkle and shine in gems and jewlery. She was the neice of Rabbi Mordechai whom he raised since her parents had passed away. All she wanted was to continue living with her uncle since he took great care of her and taught her all she needed to know. However, Mordechai told her she didnt have a choice but to go to the palace just like all the other girls to see if she fits the bill of the new queen since that is what the king ordered.
When the guards came to her house to get her, she sadly went along with them.
But before she left, Mordechai whispered into her ear to keep silent that she was a Jewish girl. He said this was not the right time to reveal her identity. 

This girl was Esther. 
She was pretty on the inside. She was kind, caring, smart, and thoughtful. Hashem had a plan and made King Achashverosh choose Esther who was not dressed up fancy  for his new queen as opposed to all the many girls who came through the palace doors dressed up in their best in hope to be the chosen one.
Esther wasnt happy about these new arrangements but she knew it was what Hashem wanted at this time.

Queen Esther requested from the King that her uncle Mordechai sit at the palace gate entrance. She missed him and wished to be able to see him at least from afar. The king granted his beloved queen her wish.
One day, while Mordechai sat at the gate he overheard two servants discuss how they would like to get rid of the king so they can finally be master,become the king, and wear the crown. 
What would you do if you are faced with overhearing news that somebody intendes to harm another? Would you speak up or walk away? 
The Pre-K Friends all agreed that if we are witness to something that isnt correct we will interfere and try to help. 
Go Pre-K!!!! We are good people!! :) 
Mordechai quickly sent a message to the king about what might happen to the king. The king got rid of those two guards and wrote in his "Book of Memories" the good deed Mordechai did for him by saving the king's life. The king was happy with Mordechai.

Here we are hard at work ;) painting the king's palace in Shushan that we hung up in our class when dried.

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