Thursday, March 20, 2014

5 Senses - Seeing and Hearing

Pre-K Friends started an exciting unit " Our Senses". Friends learned that senses like seeing, hearing, touching, smelling, and tasting help us to learn about our world. and keep us safe! What do we know about the sense of seeing?  We can see colors and shapes, we can see everything!  How can we see? Our eyes take a quick picture of a thing that we see and send it straight to the brain. Brain tells us what it is.  Our eyes are sphere shaped. 

We can see only a part of our eye. Color part of our eye has a pretty name- IRIS. 
 In our class, most of the friends have brown eyes, some friends have blue eyes. 

In the center of the eye there is a black dot- PUPIL.    It controls the amount of light that enters the eye. Look at Abigail pupils.  When it is too much light, pupils get smaller. .
When it is too little light, pupils open up and get wider. How can we protect our eyes? 

Looking directly at the Sun is dangerous because it can cause damage to our eyes.
Tears help keep eyes clean from dust, germs and other things.Vitamin A is important for healthy eyes. Foods such as sweet potatoes and carrots are good source of vitamin A

What about the sense of hearing? Friends learned that sound travels everywhere. 
Even with closed eyes we can recognize where sound comes from. 
Look at Tammy, even blindfolded she turned her head toward the friend who called her name.   

The ear play an important role in how we learn about our world. Sense of hearing keeps us safe. We can hear sound of upcoming thunder, a siren of the firetruck or our friend voice who calls us to play. 
Loud sounds can damage ears.  

1 comment:

  1. Hands and feet are anointed to bring the good news of the Gospel and carry out the good works of Christ (Isaiah 52.7; Titus 3.14). click here
