Sunday, March 23, 2014

Pesach Story I

Pesach is coming up soon in less than a month. 
Here we go learning the Pesach Story.

In the beginning, while the Jewish people lived in Mitzrayim life was good. After some years they were put to work making storage houses for King Pharoah. At first they were treated well and then the hard work and unpleasant situations began. We all know it is okay and even good to work hard but in Mitzrayim they werent treated well at all.
One day, the King's astrologers came into the palace and told him soon there will be a baby boy that will be born, grow up, and take the Jewish people out of Mitzrayim. They couldnt tell if the baby boy will be Jewish or Mitzri. King Pharoah wanted to keep the Jews as his workers and decreed that any girl born can be celebrated over and live, however, if a boy should be born they must be gotten rid of. 
Two Jewish women named Yocheved and Miriam, helped Jewish moms have their babies. They chose to be brave and keep all the Jewish baby boys safe and healthy even though they were warned by King Pharoah himself about the decree.
One day,  Yocheved gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. There was a shining light coming from his face. Yocheved held the baby close and told him she will keep him safe. She kept him at home for 3 months until it was time for her to put him somewhere safe other than her house. The King's officers will come soon to her house looking for her baby.
She prepared a wooden basket that could float in water, covered any open holes, and placed her baby in. She brought him to the Nile River in Mitzrayim and put him in. Her daughter Miriam watched her baby brother behind tall grass to make sure he was okay.
As she was watching, she saw Princess Basya, King Pharoah's daughter, coming to the river with her servants to cool off at the water from the hot day. Basya heard the baby cry, saw the basket, and didnt have the heart to leave the baby in the water. She knew of her father's decree, nevertheless, reached out to get the baby. She was too far from the basket to reach but Hashem made a miracle and her hand stretched out far enough to bring the baby in. Basya named this baby, Moshe- which means "to pull out" of the water.
When Pharoah saw the baby, he told the princess she can keep this baby. He was raised in the palace.
When Moshe grew up, he married, and worked as a shephard in the city of Midyan.
One day, Hashem appeared to Moshe. (Hashem appeared to certain holy individuals) and told him his brothers, the Jewish people, are not being treated well by King Pharoah and they want to leave Mitzrayim.
Hashem told Moshe to go with his brother Ahron to Pharoah and ask him to let the Jewish people leave.
When King Pharoah heard this he said "no" since the Jews were great workers and it would be a shame to let them go. Moshe said he must set them free and if not Hashem will have to punish him since He knows Pharoah makes strong decisions and wont change them even if they werent fair to others.
Pharoah didnt really believe Moshe that Hashem will punish him and the Mitzriyim.
 One day, all the water turned to blood, frogs jumped all over Mitzrayim even onto Pharoah's nose, then the Mitzriyim spent time scratching lice that crawled and itched all over their bodies, wild animals came barging into their homes and stores, farm animals became sick which left  no meat, milk, or eggs for them to eat and drink, boiling pimples attacked their bodies which were not cooled off even in the coldest showers, then ice balls with fire came crashing down on their heads ad homes.
During each punishment Pharoah kept running to Moshe to daven to Hashem to stop the plague. Moshe said he would do so if Pharoah would let the Jews leave. Pharoah reassured Moshe that he would, however every time a plague was over, he made his heart like a rock, changed his mind, and refused to let the Jews go.
Hashem stopped each plague giving Pharoah the chance to do teshuva and change his mind about how he treated the Jews and really let them go, but it was too hard for Pharoah to make the right choices and do what was right. 

Letter Fay

This week we learned the Letter Fay. It looks just like the Letter Pay without the dot.

Here we are playing a step- on- the- right- letter game.
When all the correct letters were stepped on a card was chosen with a reward or fun quick activity to be done right away.

Parshas Shemini

For more details on the Parsha click here:

For a Prasha song click here:

Letter Pay

Joshua our mail man brought us Letter Pay. The form of Pay is one big line on top, one big line coming down, one big line on the bottom, one little line on the side, and one little line in the middle, and lastly one dot inside.
Wahoo! The happiest Mail Man. So excited about his job!! :)
David trying out Letter Pay on the board. Yep, he got it right! Go David!

Parshas Tzav

For more info on the Parsha click here:

For a song on the Parsha click here:

Purim Customs

When we called victory back in Shushan, it was time to celebrate.
Queen Esther had the story of Purim written down for all later generations to remember and to know the events and miracles that took place, and especially how Hashem was watching over us and keeping us safe.
Queen Esther also wanted Purim to be celebrated in a few ways.
1.We read the Megilla 2x. Once Purim night and once Purim day.
The Megilla- Purim Story was written on a scroll like the Torah. However, the Torah has two sticks while the Megilla has only one.
The grogger
2. We want to be kind like Esther and Mordechai and share food with others.
We send out 2 kinds of foods to at least one person on Purim.
3. We celebrate with family and friends by eating a happy and delicious meal together singing songs and having a great time.
4. We think of others who wouldnt have money to send out foods to friends and buy food for their meal. We give money to at least 2 people on Purim day. We show people that we care and think of others even while we are happy and having a good time. :)

On Purim we eat Hamantashen (the cookie is the same shape as the hat that Haman wore) with jelly hidden inside, just like, we thought Hashem was hidden from us during the time Haman wanted to get rid of us yet He was with us all the time.
On Purim, we dress up in costumes. Do you know why? The reason is the same as to eating Hamantashen on Purim. Just like some people thought Hashem forgot about us, was hiding from us during the Purim story, and wasnt taking care of us, however, He was really there with us the whole time. Hashem just wanted us to work harder, daven to Him, and change some of our ways before He showed us that He was really with us the whole time.
That is why we dress up. When we are dressed up, it seems sometimes the person is hidden from us, yet, he is really with us the whole time.
We had a Mock Purim Party where we watched the replay of the Purim Story acted out by Morah Inna and Morah Rivky. We each got to model our costumes and have others guess who we were, we gave our PreK 1 friends Moshloach Manos that we prepared for them, we gave tzedaka, sang, danced, and ate a meal. So fun!! :)

Thursday, March 20, 2014

5 Senses - Seeing and Hearing

Pre-K Friends started an exciting unit " Our Senses". Friends learned that senses like seeing, hearing, touching, smelling, and tasting help us to learn about our world. and keep us safe! What do we know about the sense of seeing?  We can see colors and shapes, we can see everything!  How can we see? Our eyes take a quick picture of a thing that we see and send it straight to the brain. Brain tells us what it is.  Our eyes are sphere shaped. 

We can see only a part of our eye. Color part of our eye has a pretty name- IRIS. 
 In our class, most of the friends have brown eyes, some friends have blue eyes. 

In the center of the eye there is a black dot- PUPIL.    It controls the amount of light that enters the eye. Look at Abigail pupils.  When it is too much light, pupils get smaller. .
When it is too little light, pupils open up and get wider. How can we protect our eyes? 

Looking directly at the Sun is dangerous because it can cause damage to our eyes.
Tears help keep eyes clean from dust, germs and other things.Vitamin A is important for healthy eyes. Foods such as sweet potatoes and carrots are good source of vitamin A

What about the sense of hearing? Friends learned that sound travels everywhere. 
Even with closed eyes we can recognize where sound comes from. 
Look at Tammy, even blindfolded she turned her head toward the friend who called her name.   

The ear play an important role in how we learn about our world. Sense of hearing keeps us safe. We can hear sound of upcoming thunder, a siren of the firetruck or our friend voice who calls us to play. 
Loud sounds can damage ears.  

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Literacy Month 2

The Literacy Month was a great success! We were so happy to 
see friends' dads in our classroom. Rueven's dad read us book "Perfect Porridge". The book about an old man who thought that it is an easy job to cook porridge. 

Michelle's dad read us one of the funny stories of infamous Dr. Seuss

And then, we had Amalia Hoffman, an author that writes Jewish Children's Books visit. She came to our school and told us how she gets ideas for her books. 

She inspired us to make our own books. 

Amalia and Eliana got something in common. 
They both have two sisters: one older and one younger. 

Dear Parents, thank you for sending in Book Fair money timely. 
Friends enjoyed the process of buying their own books! 
We learned how to choose a book. How it is important to look not only on the cover of the book but screen book pages as well in order to get an idea what is this book about. 
Friends made great choices! We hope you enjoyed reading these books to them as well! 

Police Officers

As a part of the unit about our community, friends had to meet the real heroes of our community- the police officers. Before meeting them, friends discussed what are police officers responsibilities. Combined our ideas, friends decided that the police job is to keep our community peaceful and to make sure that everyone in the community is making right choices. Talking about all of these, friends realized that they have much more questions... With all the questions written down, we went to meet the police officers. Here is what we learned from them.
Boris: Why police officers' uniform is blue?
Police Officer: Blue color means business. When people see the police officer in blue uniforms, they take them seriously.
Joshua: Why is a police car white and blue?
Police Officer: Long time ago, police cars were black. The black is hard to notice in the traffic. White and blue colors are seen from everywhere.

Eliana: Why do you have a radio?

Police Officer: It helps police officers to communicate with each other.
Reuven & Bina: Why do you have sirens for and why its so loud?
Police Officer: Sirens tell people and car drivers that somebody is in trouble, clear the way.

Michelle and morah: Why do you have guns?
Police Officer: We have guns in order to protect ourselves and other people from bad people.
Tammy and morah: What do you need to do to become a police man?
Police Officer: You need to finish school and college. You need to be caring, healthy and strong.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Purim Story part 2

King Achashverosh appointed Haman as his Chief Adviser. 
Haman felt so proud. Wherever he went he would expect everyone to respect him by bowing to him. Rabbi Mordechai knew that he could only bow to Hashem and politely explained to Haman that he only bows to the One and only Hashem. This infuriated Haman and made him feel small. He thought of plan as to how he can rid of Mordechai and the Jews who behave just like him. Haman went to the king and told him how the Jewish people are no good for his kingdom. He asked the king for permission to get rid of all the Jews. The king was more than happy to follow along with Hamans plan. He gave Haman his signet ring to show the king agrees with Haman's plans. He will use the ring to stamp all the letters going out to the entire kingdom letting everyone know that on the 13th day of the month of Adar they will need to help to rid of the Jews.
Moredechai, the leader of the Jewish people heard of Haman's plan and just could not allow that to happen. He realized Hashem had made Esther the Queen for a specific reason. He knew she was in the palace so she can help the Jews in time of need. He went to Queens Esther and told her what Haman plans were. He told her that this was the right time to tell the king that she was a Jewish girl and that Haman wanted to get rid of her, the queen and her people.

Esther was nervous to go and speak with the king since she wasn't called upon by him yet she was strong and brave. She knew she had a mission to fulfill and had to do the right thing. When she went to the king to tell him what Mordechai had asked her to say, she didnt feel it was the right time to tell the king her secret, and so instead, she asked the king if he and Haman would like to attend a party with delicious foods that she will prepare for them. They felt honored and gladly accepted.

In the mean time, Rabbi Mordechai, was davening to Hashem together with the Jews asking that He will save them from Haman's plan. They knew that King Achashverosh ruled over the entire world and if Haman will succeed in his plan of getting rid of the Jewish people there will not be a Jewish nation anymore. Mordechai simply could not let that happen.

At the party, Queen Esther used her womanly intuition. She still did not feel it was the right time to let the king in on her secret. Instead, she invited the king and Haman for a second party to which they accepted happily.

After the party that night the king could not sleep. He called in his servant to read him a bed time story from his big book of memories. The servant opened up and read how Mordechai saved the kings life when he overheard two guards speaking of how they wanted to get rid of the king and inherit the throne. 
As the king finished hearing the story, Haman walked in to the king's room. He could not sleep as well. The king asked Haman for his royal advice, "How can I reward someone for doing a great kindness to the King?"
Haman was sure the king was refering to himself and didnt hesitate to answer, "This man should wear the king's crown and clothing while riding on the king's horse and have the towns people parade around him chanting 'this shall be done to the man whom the king wishes to honor.'"
The king loved Haman's advice and told Haman that the next morning Haman should go to Mordechai's house and get him dressed in the king's crown and clothing, help him onto the king's horse and lead the horse while the people chanted.
Do you think Haman was happy with the outcome of these events? No way. However, he had no choice but to obey the king's wishes.

Haman is leading Mordechai on the Kings horse while everyone was chanting, "this shall be done to the man whom the king wishes to honor!"
How do you think Mordechai felt at this time? He felt honored and respected for sure. 

Here is Queen Esther, King Achashverosh, and Haman, and a chef at Esther's second party.
This time, Queen Esther told the king what she had wanted to tell him all along. She carefully told Achashverosh that she was Jewish and if Haman will get rid of the Jewish people, he will be getting rid of the kings' queen along with her people. 
Achashverosh got very upset when he heard this terrible news and immediately ordered that Haman be taken away.
And yes, the Jewish people were victorious. Together with the Jewish people's davening, Mordechai working behind the scenes while Esther bravely did what she needed to do, Hashem did not let the Jewish people down. Hashem loves us and He saved us.

Purim is a happy holiday.
Here we are coloring a happy clown for our classroom decor.
"Team work makes a dream work!"

The girls cut and painted a Queen Esther that we hung on the bulletin board.
We discussed how we can be just like Queen Esther by being brave, helping others, and caring for others.

The boys cut and painted Rabbi Mordechai that we hung up on the bulletin board.
We discussed how we can be brave and kind just like Mordechai and do the right thing even though it may be easier at times not to and ignore a problem.

Purim Puppet Show :)

Parshas Vayikrah

This weeks we read the first Parsha in the 3rd book of the Torah.
Now that we dont have the Mishkan or the Beis Hamikdosh in which we can daven to Hashem in and bring korbanos, the late Rabbis wrote down in a siddur the different tefillos- davening that we can say while talking to Hashem, and of course, we can always use our own words to form our own prayers to Hashem. 

For more info on the Parsha click here:

For a song on the Parsha click here:

Letter Ayin

Our Mail Man Boris brought us the Letter Ayin. Ayin has two big lines coming down and one big line on the bottom. (Ayin and Alef have the same sounds however sometimes the Ayin is used and at other times the Alef is used depending on what the word is. For example, Avraham begins with the Letter Alef while Yehoshua ends with the Letter Ayin.)

Boris our Mail Man

Bina formed Letter Ayin

Aynayim- eyes begin with Letter Ayin

Ugah- cake begins with Letter Ayin
Ugiyot- cookies begins with the Letter Ayin