Sunday, April 6, 2014

Pesach Story Part 2

Hashem sent more punishments to the Mitziryim for the way they were treating the Jews. King Pharoah was included in these punishments just as much for not allowing the Jewish people the freedom of leaving Mitzrayim.
Hashem sent a message to Pharoah saying that if he wont let the Jews go Hashem will set them free. But in the mean time, Hashem continued with the punishments.
Three more punishments Hashem did give.
Hashem sent a big wind over Mitzrayim which brought with it plenty of grasshoppers that ate up all their crops. He then made Mitzrayim complete with darkness. The people couldnt see and eventually they couldnt move around until the punishment was over.
Then Hashem began to make the eldest child in each family become sick. Pharoah feared he would be getting sick too since he was a first born himself.
He ran to Moshe in the middle of night begging him to take all the Jewish people and leave Mitzrayim right away. Pharoah really meant what he said  this time, however, Moshe thanked him and told him the Jewish people will leave in the morning.
When Moshe told all the Jews of the incredible news he made sure to say that nothing should be left behind. Everyone should pack up all their belongings since theyll be leaving Mitzaryim and never going back.
They marched out of Mitzrayim happily and finally relieved.
Three days later, they heard horses and soldiers. They turned around to see Pharoah in the front of his armies running after the Jews to bring them back to his land.
The Jewish people were afraid. They didnt want to go back to Mitzrayim.Moshe told them they dont need to worry and Hashem is taking care of them.
There was no where for them to run for safety. Ahead of them was a raging sea. Hashem told Moshe to keep walking forward with the Jews toward the sea. When they got there Hashem told Moshe to raise his hands with his stick over the water. The water split in two standing up like two walls. The Jewish people walked through the sea on dry land until they got to the other side to safety and then the water closed. The Mitzraiyim couldn come and get them.
Hashem loves us! Hashem watches over us! Hashem takes care of us!

They Jewish people sang and danced and thanked Hashem for being good to them and saving them.

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