Friends were asked to bring things from home that start with this letter. Alec, Ben and David brought LIONS, Boris brought a LEAF and LIPSTICK, Tammy brought a LEAF that she found outside of her house, Bina brought a picture of her great grandfather LENYA, who is 92 years old ( till 120:), Eliana brought a LADYBUG, other friends and Morah Inna brought LEMONS and LIMES.
Friends practice to make letters of the week with cookie dough.
They practice to make letter L with their bodies.
And finally, friends practice to write letter L in their brand new Handwriting Without Tears books.
For advanced learning, dear Parents, you could play with your kids "silly L" game. Adding the L sound to every word you say. For example, moon- loon, ball - lall, table- lable, apple- lapple, good- lood...
To review the letter L sound, please visit one of our favorite sites
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