Monday, February 24, 2014

Pre-K Winter Olympic Games

The Olympics Games are the world event! Pre-K Friends learned that every four years the best athlets get together to compete. This year the Olympic Games were held in Sochi, Russia, in the tradition of the Winter Olympic Games

Friends learned that the Games have their own flag made up of 5 rings of different colors.
Each ring represents a continent.  Friends were challenged to color each ring according to its color. They figured out words on their own and tried their best to color neatly interlocked rings.   

Pre-K Friends had their own Winter Olympics game.
For example, we play to see who can wear thier winter clothes the fastest.  
Everyone was a winner. Ben, Abigail and Bina were the fastest.

At the end, friends had fun skiing and ice skating!
Pre-K Winter Olympic Games are FUN! 

LIteracy Month

The Literacy Month began in Pre-K 2 class. Ben's mom Ilona came to read the book about Berenstain Bears Family who decided to do a backyard sale but when they went through all their things and gave a final look at them, they decided to keep it all. Sorry, No Backyard Sale.

Eliana's mom, Alina, read friends a book in Russian about a girl whose hands and feet did not want to
listen to her and did whatever they wanted. They put the girl in big trouble. She even got lost.

David's sister, Ariella read friends a story about a curious kitten who wanted to know what is behind a shed door. As soon as he got into the shed the door got locked! The kitten was trapped. But dog and mama cat, bird and a bug came to the rescue. They made such noise that an old man who they lived with understood what happened and unlocked the door.  The kitten was safe and thankful to his friends and mom.

Abigail's mom, Yael, read friends a funny story about animals who were running from each other mistakenly thinking that they are in big trouble and that they are in a danger to be caught and eaten by other animal. They did not know that  "trouble" was a scared little sheep that got stuck in a can and was making a lots of noise trying to get rid of can.

We are so blessed to have all our parents coming to our class. Reading is really fun and learning experience. More we read, more we know, more we know, more we can do!
Friends decided that we dedicate Pre-K Literacy Month to reading and learning all about Curious George!

Trip to Fire Station!

Few weeks ago, friends went to the local Fire Station to meet with real heroes - Fire Fighters!  

 In the Fire Station, friends saw huge fire truck and fire engine. Friends were curious why trucks are  red. Firefighter Winston explained that long time ago the red paint was most available and cheap paint. Back then fire trucks were painted in red and still are.
 Firefighter's uniforms look very impressive and for some people scary. Friends had a lot of questions: is a helmet heavy, why there are yellow lines on a jackets and yellow trapezoids on helmets, what is a mask for and etc. Winston said that heavy helmets protect firefighters heads. The helmets are made of strong materials; yellow strips on jackets and helmets reflect light and help firefighters to see each other in the dark or smoke. 
Firefighter Ryan put on  a complete uniform and let friends touch and feel it. 
Ryan showed friends a protective mask that protects a face from fire and heat. 
His mask is attached to air tank that provides Ryan with clean air to breath in a place full of smoke. " How much air in the tank?" was our next question. "Only for 45 minutes", said Ryan. " Not much!" 

 Firefighters use special tools to open blocked doors. One of the tools called a halligan. 
Firefighters work in a team! They said that helping each other makes a real big difference and can save a lots of lives.  

While we were visiting,  firefighters got an emergency call.  
Quickly "jumped" into boots, pulled up their pants, put the jackets on, grabbed their helmets, and jumped into the fire truck.  They turned on siren and lights to tell people and drivers on streets
 ''Make a way! Help is coming!"  

Thank you, firefighters for you job! 
We feel safe knowing that you are a part of our community! 

Fire Drill

Fire drills had happened in our class.. Even though a drill is just a practice, we took it very seriously.  Drills are very important. Through practice we learned what to do and how to behave in a case of  an emergency.
Before the drill, friends discussed a plan of school's second floor with all other classrooms in and available exits. Morahs even checked if exit doors aren't blocked or locked. Believe it or not, but the closest door to our class was frozen. Therefor, we needed to use farthest EXIT. As soon as friends heard a fire alarm, they made a single line.
Friends remembered to follow the learned rules and calmly followed Morah.
Friends walked through the school, staying together. Even many of us were very nervous, we stayed calm. Drill was not the time to panic or to be silly. We needed to get out!

Following each other, friends got outside and gathered together in the assembly area.
At last, everyone was out and safe!
Dear Parents, talk to your children about fire safety and emergency escape plan.
Make a plan and practice it. Teach your child home address and phone number.
They are BIG, they are responsible and smart!  

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Parshas Vayakhel

Weve learned so much about the mishkan that Hashem wanted the Jewish people to build for Him and the reasons for it. We also learned how it was to be built and was to be placed inside it.
Finally now we have gotten to the part where the Jewish people actually create the mishkan and all the things that needed to be put inside it.

For more info on the Parsha click here:

A Parsha lesson:

Monday, February 17, 2014

Parshas Ki Sisa

Hashes asked Moshe to count the Jewish people.
Why did Hashem want Moshe to count the Jewish people? Didnt He already know how many Jews there were? Yes. Of course Hashem knew yet He still wanted them counted to show how much He loves the Jews. Just like we would count and recount something precious to us although we would know after the first time counting how many there are.
For more information on the Parsha click here:

Letter Nun Sofis

Reuven brought us the Letter Nun Sofis. It has one little line on top, and one little line coming down. The Nun Sofis letter can only come at the end of a word whereas letter Nun can come at the beginning and middle of a word.
Careful, because letter Nun Sofis and Letter Chof Sofis, and Letter Vov look quite similar. 
Words that end with Nun Sofis.

Niggun- A song
(We watched a 5 year old boy playing a niggun on a piano. We also danced to a niggun afterwards.)

Leemon- Lemon

Melafafon- cucumber

Parshas Titzaveh

Just as a doctor, judge, police, fire fighter... wear uniforms to represent and help them with the job they do so too, does the Kohen Gadol and the Kohanim while working in the Mishkan and Beis Hamikdosh.
In this weeks Parsha, we learned all about it.
For  more info click link below:

For a song on the Parsha click link below:

Letter Nun

Our Mail Carrier was Bina. She brought us the Letter Nun. Nun has one little line on top, one big line coming down, and one little line on the bottom.

Netillas Yadayim- Washing our hands begins with Letter Nun

Every night when we go to sleep our neshama/ soul goes heavenward to recharge and also for Hashem to see our actions of the past day. When our neshama goes up to Hashem it leaves us with basic bodily functions, such as breathing. The resulting void allows for a negative spiritual state called tumah-impurity. Upon awakening, the tumah leaves our body but remains on hands so we wash our hands to remove the remaining trace of that tumah.

Ner- Candle begins with the Letter Nun

Monday, February 10, 2014

Fire Safety

Pre-K friends learned about the Fire Safety. What things in our homes and school can warn us about smoke and fire? Smoke Alarms! What a useful thing!  These little round detectives located right under the ceiling and can make very loud sound. It can wake up even a sleeping person and warn him or her about dangerous smoke. When we hear a smoke alarm, we need to GET OUT OF HOUSE AS FAST AS POSSIBLE! DO NOT START TO LOOK FOR A FAVORITE TOY! GET OUT! GET OUT!   
You need to be careful to open a door. It might be HOT! 
Touch the door knob with the back of your hand. 
If it is HOT DO NOT OPEN THE DOOR! There is might be fire behind the door. 
Get to a window and call for help! Do not jump from the window, do not hide under a bed or in the closet! 

 If a door knob is not hot, open the door. If you see smoke in the hall 
When things get burned they make smoke. Smoke is very dangerous. It makes people sick! The good thing is that smoke is lighter than the air and raises up to the ceiling. That is why you need to stay down- to breath clean air.  
Only when you are outside, find a way to call 911! 
Tell an operator what is happening! It is good to know the address where you are at. If you don't know the address, do not worry. Do not hang up the phone! Stay on the line! 
The operator will locate you with the help of computer. 
If Chasv' Shalom, your clothes caught a fire DO NOT PANIC! 

The letter of the week

The letter of the week was letter B. 
Friends were so delighted to see our friends' pictures up on the closet door. 
 Bina, Ben and Boris, Nursery friends Bluma and Bibi, Morah Bella and Bina's father Boris names start with the letter B. 

To make letter B one needs a big line and two little curves.  Letter B says /b/ like in words blueberry bubblegum, brown bear, bumble bee and etc. To practice letter B sound  and preview this week letter R sound please visit Please, send things that start with letter R to our class for the R story:)
Thank you in advance.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Mazel Tov Rebecca and Joshua!

Mazel Tov to our dearest friends Rebecca and Joshua who turned 5 years old! We wish our friends to be healthy and happy, to have a lot of friends! And to be like making right choices maccabees!
Mazel Tov to Rebecca and Joshua parents! We wish you to have only simcha from your kiddos! Thank you so much for class presents! Puzzles and math games will be used in our classroom for learning with fun! THANK YOU!

This week we learned

The letter of the week was letter P. To make the letter you need one big line and one little curve.
The letter P says /p/ like in words Perel, pitta, pizza, peanut and puppy.

In order to celebrate letter P and its sound, friends made Pumpkin Pie from Perfect Pumpkin.
We shared Pumpkind Pies with other friends in the school. 
This rhyme we learned for letter P.
                    To master letter P sound and preview letter B, please visit 

Our Community- Hardware Store

It's snowing. All side walks, our playground and roads are covered with snow. It is hard for people to walk on snow because it is slippery. How can we help?  We can shovel snow from our playground. Where can we get shovels? In a Hardware store. What kind store is it? Store that sells tools and things that are necessary for reparing household things and take things around a house too.  We found a Hardware store right accross the street from our school.

 When we came into the store, we saw screwdrivers, hammers, saws, nails and bolts,
gloves and hoses. There were a lot of things that we would like to explore and play with but they are not toys. They are tools.
 We shovels in the store! We paid money for them and left the store.  
 We took shovels straight to our playground and had fun shoveling snow.
It was not easy. Snow is not so light as we thought. It is heavy. After all it is made of water.
 What is the best thing to do in such wintery and snowy day?
We invited Pre-K1 friends for a movie party and treated them with popcorn.
We had a great time together. We love winter!

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Winter Time

 On Monday, nature gave us a greatest winter day.
It was not too cold, not too windy, and it was snowing!
In  few hours, ground was all white.
It was a perfect opportunity to go outside and build a snowman.  
Thanks to our dearest parents, with a lot of warm winter clothes on we won't be cold
even if you would go to the North Pole.

We wore gloves and mittens because snow was very, very cold.
Ta-da! Team work pays off.
A snowman is built with cookies for eyes, a carrot for a nose and a sweet peas for a smile. 
Winter is hard not only for people but for some animals as well.
Cold weather and lack of food are making animals' living very hard. That is why some animals like bears, mice, frogs, bats spend all winter " sleeping"  in their homes.  This is called HIBERNATION.
But some animals do not hibernate but it still hard for them to find food under the cover of snow.
That is why friends left on the playground some peanuts for squirrels and birds to nibble at.
Back in school, friends were treated with warm tea.
We love winter fun!